7 Tips for Boosting B2B Brand Awareness with Social Media Marketing

June 9, 2022

Did you know that 53.6% of the world's population is active on social media? It is, therefore, no surprise that 89% of B2B marketers are turning to social media platforms for content distribution. When leveraged correctly, it can give your brand a voice while boosting awareness.

However, many B2B marketers are having problems integrating social media marketing into their inbound marketing strategy. For starters, it entails much more than posting different types of content regularly. You need to create an effective social media strategy filled with custom-tailored content for every platform and audience in your market.

Here are a few ways to boost B2B brand awareness with social media marketing that builds consumer trust and brand awareness.

Identify Your Target Audience

The first step is effective social media marketing is creating a persona. Doing this ensures you can create engaging content for your consumers. Making assumptions will lead to ineffective marketing strategies that will hurt your bottom line. Who are you trying to reach? Why?

Once you identify your target audience, you can evaluate their preferred social media sites. Ensure you look at competitor pages and relevant hashtags to create content for each of the social media platforms. It makes it easier to engage with your consumers and increase brand awareness.

Prioritize Your BestPerforming Platforms

It is almost impossible to stay relevant on all available social media platforms. Therefore, it will help to focus more on social media pages that are preferred by most of your consumers. You also get to save both time and money by focusing on relevant platforms only.

Start by identifying social media platforms that your buyer persona prefers. Where does your audience spend most of their time? Is it TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat? For B2B, it's often LinkedIn. Whatever you decide, you can then on the platforms where your buyers are active. Strive to be consistent on a few platforms rather than be irrelevant on all available social pages.

Don't Forget About Content Customization

Every piece of content needs to be crafted for a specific social media platform. Contrary to what most people think, you can't use the same content on all your social media pages. For instance, Instagram is about visual content while Twitter focuses on text posts and the like. LinkedIn is for deepr thought leadership.

Start by researching the correct character length for posts, suitable image sizes, and best times to schedule content. Doing this will help you create customized content for all your social media pages. You can, therefore, stay relevant and build brand awareness.

Ensure Your Content Provides Value

Value will always beat production quality when it comes to content. Your audience is more engaged when you offer solutions to their questions or problems. Therefore, focus more on educating your audience and addressing their issues rather than selling your product.

Use your social media pages to answer audience questions and provide valuable insights. It will also help to create educational posts, such as e-books, to establish yourself as an industry leader. However, ensure you provide answers in a timely fashion to avoid ruining your brand reputation.

Leverage Social Media Trends

According to HubSpot, newsjacking is about creating or mentioning a campaign that is centered on a trending news item. More people will engage more with your brand if you share content that adds to a larger online conversation. You come out as an industry leader, thus building brand awareness.

Contrary to what most B2B marketers think, you don't have to piggyback on headline news only. Look for simple trends or debates that are happening within your industry. After all, your business is geared towards a specific audience and not the entire world's population.

Personal Accounts are Great

Are you sharing and liking your content on social media pages? Most people forget to use their accounts to share their brand posts. Instead of sitting back and waiting for engagement, use your personal accounts to help boost brand awareness.

It will also help to use your brand's social accounts to like and share other people's content. Doing this gives your brand a 'human-like' feel that boosts engagement. After all, promoting an engagement culture encourages your audience to do the same.

Always Track Your Progress

Did you know that social media platforms include engagement statistics for each post? Therefore, it is easy to track your progress and make the necessary changes. You can also quickly see what type of content is getting more engagement and what is not.

Tracking content progress will help you get better insights into your social media marketing campaign. Therefore, optimizing your efforts becomes straightforward.

Creating an effective social media marketing strategy that boosts brand awareness shouldn't be difficult. At Layup Content, we can help you create compelling content to keep you relevant in the finance and fintech industry. Reach out today to get started.

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